Renowned Diplomat and Educator, Prof. David David Appointed Honorary Consul of the Sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii in Nigeria

Strengthening Global Academic Partnerships

In a significant and groundbreaking development, Professor David David, a distinguished diplomat, educator, and researcher, has been appointed as the Honorary Consul and Special Envoy for Higher Education to Nigeria by the Sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii. This prestigious appointment was officially confirmed on Monday, September 16, 2024, by Ambassador Prof. Oluwafemi Esan, the Kingdom’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom and European Union, with full approval from the Sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii.

This remarkable recognition marks an important milestone in Prof. David’s illustrious career, emphasizing his exceptional leadership, diplomatic expertise, and tireless advocacy for education and national pride. The Sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii’s decision to appoint him as its representative in Nigeria highlights his proven track record of fostering international collaborations and advancing bilateral ties between nations. Prof. David’s appointment positions him to play a key role in strengthening the relationship between Hawaii and Nigeria, particularly in the areas of education, trade, and cultural exchange.

As the newly appointed Honorary Consul, Prof. David will undertake a wide range of responsibilities aimed at enhancing diplomatic relations. His key duties will include promoting cultural cooperation between the two nations, facilitating business opportunities, and fostering educational exchanges that will benefit both countries. In addition to performing consular duties and supporting Hawaiian nationals in Nigeria, he will work to promote a positive image of the Sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii and ensure that both nations benefit from strengthened ties.

Advancing Education and Strengthening Bilateral Relations

One of the focal points of Prof. David’s role will be advancing higher education collaborations. As an Honorary Consul for Higher Education, Prof. David is uniquely positioned to foster academic partnerships between institutions in Nigeria and the Sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii. His expertise in education reform, as well as his global outlook, will allow him to create avenues for Nigerian students and academic institutions to engage with Hawaiian counterparts, promoting research, academic exchange programs, and knowledge-sharing initiatives. This will not only enhance Nigeria’s standing in global education but also position the country as a significant player in international academic collaborations.

Moreover, Prof. David’s extensive background in education will be invaluable in facilitating these collaborations. As the Founder/CEO of the Nigerian Books of Record Research Center, he has been at the forefront of documenting and celebrating Nigeria’s academic and cultural achievements. His numerous contributions to education and literature, including the Nigerian Books of Record and the Record Breakers Educational Series, have made a lasting impact on the educational landscape. His efforts have been instrumental in shaping Nigeria’s narrative, both locally and internationally, and have fostered a culture of excellence and national pride.

A Career Dedicated to Excellence and Advocacy

Prof. David David’s appointment as Honorary Consul reflects his long-standing commitment to national development and international cooperation. As a convener of the Nigerian Image Revolution (NIR), he has been at the helm of efforts to promote a positive image of Nigeria on the global stage. Through the NIR, Prof. David has led initiatives that celebrate Nigeria’s best and brightest while promoting political knowledge, national unity, and participation in governance. His leadership in pushing for attitudinal re-orientation and national cohesion has earned him both national and global recognition.

Prof. David’s career is marked by a profound dedication to education, children’s rights, and societal reform. His READS Campaign Africa, which aims to end child molestation and advocate for children’s right to education, has been a powerful tool for raising awareness and providing timely solutions to societal issues. Under his leadership, the campaign has produced more than 20 educational titles targeted at young adults, helping to get thousands of Nigerian children off the streets and into classrooms.

A Global Vision for Nigerian Excellence

Prof. David David’s new role as Honorary Consul will allow him to build upon his legacy of advocating for education, national pride, and international collaboration. His numerous accolades, including multiple honorary professorial awards and ambassadorial recognitions, stand as a testament to his exceptional contributions to both Nigeria and the global community. Through his work, he has consistently promoted excellence, advocated for children’s welfare, and pushed for educational reform.

In this prestigious role, Prof. David will continue to champion the cause of educational advancement and foster new opportunities for cultural and diplomatic cooperation between Hawaii and Nigeria. His appointment not only honors his personal achievements but also symbolizes the Sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii’s commitment to building strong international partnerships. Prof. David’s leadership and diplomatic skills will undoubtedly contribute to the advancement of bilateral relations, strengthening the bonds of friendship and collaboration between the two nations.

With his appointment, the Sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii takes a significant step towards enhancing its diplomatic presence in Nigeria, creating new opportunities for trade, cultural exchange, and education. Prof. David David’s extensive experience, coupled with his unwavering dedication to international cooperation, positions him to play a crucial role in shaping the future of the relationship between Hawaii and Nigeria. This appointment heralds a new chapter of collaboration and mutual understanding between the two countries, with Prof. David David at the forefront of these efforts.


  1. Accept my hearty CONGRATULATIONS on this feat. I am thrilled.
    More Grease to your Elbows. The NIGERIA -FRENCH INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD AGE is happy to be Associated with your Progress and Aspirations…. Ride on

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