Books of Record Institute for Professional Development

Welcome to Books of Record Institute for Professional Development (BRIPD) – Your Online Learning Partner.

(Founded since 2019)

Books of Record Institute for Professional Development is an online platform established to enhance professional competence, committed to advancing integrated marketing, digital communication, customer relationship management, and public relations management. With its CAC Registration as a limited liability company in Nigeria in 2019, Books of Record started as professional consultant and sets out to champion excellence in professional competence and practice across the globe.

As a Professional Institute, we empower professionals to succeed in their careers by providing comprehensive training and support. Our institute covers a wide range of industries, including Construction, Healthcare, Journalism, Human Resources, Finance, Engineering, Law, and Management.

Our programs are designed to help you develop new skills, enhance your knowledge, and advance your career. We support you every step of the way – from preparing you for your career to helping you succeed after graduation. Join us today and take the first step towards achieving your professional goals.

Success isn’t always determined by talent or hard work alone. Sometimes, it’s about being in the right place at the right time and receiving favor. However, even with divine favor, lack of preparation and skills can hinder progress. As you seek new opportunities, ask yourself: Are you acquiring new skills? Are you networking with the right people? Are you investing in personal development? To achieve your desired life, identify the skills you need to improve or acquire. Consider refining your CV, taking internships, or learning something new.

For those seeking professional growth, our Professional Institute is collaborating with El ROI London University to offer online courses and degree programs. All degrees will be issued by the University, accredited in America. There’s an optional incentive to complete your final year in London.

Programs and Offerings from El-Roi London University include:

– Level 6 Diploma in Coaching Psychology
– Level 6 Diploma in Sport Psychology
– Level 6 Diploma in Child Psychology
– Level 6 Diploma in Teacher Training and Development
– Level 6 Diploma in Transpersonal Mental Health Counselling
– Level 6 Diploma in Transpersonal Leadership Development Psychology
– Level 6 Diploma in Self-Psychology Development
– Level 6 Diploma in Biblical Psychology
– Level 6 Diploma in Journalism
– Level 6 Diploma in Rural Green Community Development Management

We offer an extensive repertoire of programs meticulously crafted to address the diverse needs of professionals across various sectors, including Certificate Courses, Diploma Programs, Postgraduate Programs, and Doctorate Programs.

Certifications and Collaborations: El ROI London University is accredited in America, and we are its official affiliate in Nigeria.

For inquiries, please send us an email to enroll in any program of your choice. Visit the El ROI London University website for more information.

Thank you for considering Books of Record Institute for Professional Development as your partner in professional growth.


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  2. أنابيب البولي إيثيلين البيضاء ذات الثلاث طبقات للمياه النظيفة (درجة غذائية) في العراق تقدم مصنع إيليت بايب في العراق أنابيب البولي إيثيلين البيضاء ذات الثلاث طبقات عالية الجودة، المصممة خصيصًا لتطبيقات المياه النظيفة والدرجة الغذائية. يتم تصنيع هذه الأنابيب باستخدام تقنيات متقدمة تضمن نقل المياه الصالحة للشرب بأمان، بما يتماشى مع المعايير الدولية الصارمة للصحة والنظافة. يتميز التصميم الفريد ذو الثلاث طبقات بتحسين المتانة والمرونة، مما يسمح للأنابيب بتحمل الضغوط الداخلية مع ضمان عمر أطول. بفضل السطح الداخلي الناعم الذي يمنع تراكم الشوائب، تعتبر الأنابيب الغذائية لمصنع إيليت بايب مثالية لمختلف الصناعات التي تولي الأولوية للسلامة والنظافة. اشتهر مصنع إيليت بايب بابتكاراته والتزامه بالجودة، مما جعله أحد أفضل وأوثق المصانع في العراق. سواء كانت لمشاريع بلدية أو بنى تحتية خاصة أو أنظمة مياه صناعية، توفر أنابيب البولي إيثيلين ذات الثلاث طبقات من إيليت بايب أداءً لا مثيل له وراحة بال. اكتشف المزيد عن منتجاتهم عبر

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