Nigerian Who Invented The World’s Fastest Gaming Robot

Silas Adekunle

Meet Silas Adekunle, a 26-year-old Nigerian who is building the world’s first gaming robot and has become the highest-paid professional in the field of robotic engineering.

He achieved this remarkable feat after signing a new deal with Apple Inc., the world’s most reputable software manufacturer.

Silas Adekunle, who was named “Someone to Watch in 2018” by the Black Hedge Fund Group, is currently the founder and CEO of Reach Robotics. His company is focused on developing the world’s first gaming robots.

Silas recently graduated with a first-class degree and possesses a four-year background in robotics.


Silas Adekunle was born in Lagos, Nigeria. He received his education in Nigeria before relocating to the United Kingdom as a teenager.

After completing his secondary school education, he pursued a degree in Robotics at the University of the West of England, where he graduated with first-class honors.

In 2013, Silas founded Reach Robotics and gained extensive experience in robotics over a span of four years.

He also served as a team leader for the Robotics In Schools program, which aimed to encourage and support students in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

Inspired by this program, Silas sought to develop robotics to make education more engaging and entertaining for STEM students.

In 2017, he released MekaMon, the world’s first gaming robot with the ability to customize its functions based on individual preferences.

During the initial launch, 500 MekaMon bots were sold, generating $7.5 million in revenue.

This achievement garnered support from various organizations, including London Venture Partners, which invested $10 million in Reach Robotics. Additionally, Reach Robotics signed an exclusive sales deal with Apple, making their products available in Apple stores.

Apple was particularly impressed by the quality of Silas’s robots and their ability to convey emotions through subtle movements. The four-legged “battle-bots” were priced at $300 and are now available in nearly all Apple stores in the United States and Britain.

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